середа, 15 червня 2011 р.

Vaginal Examination and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance

Recombinant drug - interferon-gamma activates macrophages, the proliferative-talkie and differentiation of B and Tlimfotsitov, increases activity of cytotoxic Tlimfotsitov. Aldezleykin - interleykina2 recombinant product is used in metal-tastaziruyuschey renal cell carcinoma (p. The drug used in transplantation of liver, heart and kidneys. Inhibition of formation or action of IL2 reduces cellular LIMITED immunity and, in particular, prevents the reaction rejection of the transplanted tissue. Interferons. Apply IRS19 by intranasal Injection for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and LORorganov respiratory (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis). The drug is administered intravenously, and then designate the interior Wheelchair prevent the reaction of graft rejection in kidney transplants, heart and liver. Compared with whole microbial cells ribosomes more immunogenic. Preparations of diversity from the thymus of cattle timalin, timostimulin diversity intramuscularly, and taktivin, Timoptin under skin mainly in the failure of cellular immunity: when diversity viral infections, prevention Infections with radiation therapy and chemotherapy of tumors. Under the action of diversity drugs diversity the activity of Tlimfotsitov and thus selectively inhibited cell-mediated immunity. Complex tsiklosporintsiklofillin inhibits the enzyme calcineurin, which activates production of IL2. Preparations of polyclonal antibody antithymocyte immunoglobulin (IgG) prepared by immunizing horses or rabbits Tlimfotsitami rights. Side effects of cyclosporine: severe renal impairment with a slight excess of therapeutic concentrations diversity in the blood plasma (requires constant monitoring of the concentration of the drug), liver function abnormalities, increased blood pressure, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia, dyspepsia, anorexia, etc. Preparations of cytokines. Thymic peptide drugs. Recombinant preparations of a number of cytokines (interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, interferons); Some of them Immunoglobulin G used in the clinic. Has immunosu-pressor, anti-inflammatory and protivoblastomnymi properties. This group of drugs include vaccines, drugs lysates of bacteria, the preparations of the ribosomes of bacteria, immunostimulants of plant origin. As an immunosuppressive glucocorticoids used in autoimmune-eases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, ankylosing spondylitis, diversity as well as auxiliary facilities for Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) transplant of organs and tissues. It is used in rheumatoid arthritis and neoplastic diseases. Preparations diversity ribosomes of bacteria. Tiloron (amiksin) stimulates the formation, and diversity . Resistance to infectious diseases also increase the analysis of drugs, Comrade bacteria, in particular, and IRS19 bronhomunal. The most pronounced immunostimulatory effects of uinterfe-Ron. Muromonab CD3 - preparation of mouse monoclonal antibodies against the complex of CD3, responsible for interaction macrophage, antigen and ThCD4 +. Increased education Tslimfotsitov that suppress the vital activity of cells infected with the form rusami, tumor cells and diversity foreign tissues. Cyclosporine (Sandimmun) interacts with the intracellular protein Th1 tsiklofillinom. As a result, the education, respectively, IL2 and the proliferation Tlimfotsitov. Major side effects of glucocorticoids: ulcerogenic action, oo-teoporoz, secondary infections (bacterial, viral, fungal), cataracts, etc. In particular, immunal designate inside the drops for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections, and also with antibacterial agents infections of skin, respiratory and urinary tract. The recombinant product interleykina1 ? Betaleukin injected subcutaneously or intravenously in purulent processes with immunodeficiency, with leukopenia due to chemotherapy. As a result, they inhibited proliferation Tlimfotsitov and education Tslimfotsitov. All of them have protivovirus-governmental, anti-tumor and immunostimulating properties. To prevent and treat infectious diseases including vaccines (attenuated, killed, recombinant).

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