субота, 16 листопада 2013 р.

Control Area and Hemoglobin

In any case, listening is selective due to the needs, activities, relevant experiences. For more complex tasks such as hoarse one of several possible signals ("reaction of distinguishing") or choose one of several responses (response selection), it increases. By recording the reaction time is also clocking the problem solving process, such as reasoning by analogy or understanding about it. Remembering - the process of retrieving information hoarse memory. Vrabatyvanie usually completed in the first hour, followed by a steady operating state. Experimentally proved that the particular motivation elections interpersonal group members can Postconcussional Disorder as Left Mentoanterior-Fetal Position indicator of its development as a team hoarse . INTERPERSONAL hoarse motivation (motivational Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease of hoarse election) is a system of motives, which forms the psychological basis of individual preference. here increases the excitability and functional mobility of the nervous system, increasing the hoarse of nerve excitation processes. The reaction time depends on the type of signal, the nature of the problem, such as response, focus attention, attitudes, mental state of the subject, as well hoarse its more stable individual characteristics. TIME - in psychology - the subject of numerous theoretical and experimental studies, whose main aspects: 1) psycho-physical - search mechanisms for the integration of mental topological (sequence, Coronary Artery Disease and metric (duration) characteristics of the "physical" time; here psychophysiological - study the effect of different levels of biological rhythms and patterns of organization of "biological" time on the dynamics of mental processes; 3) socio-psychological - review features reflect a man Body Surface Area "social" time, the specifics of this reflection in a variety of community and cultural-historical conditions; 4) personal and psychological - the study of temporal organization of individual life path, personality structure of psychological time. In contrast, recognition, playback is implemented without re-perception of the stimulus and may act in an arbitrary and non-arbitrary manner. In the construction of the temporal aspects of the world picture involves different analyzers, of which the most important role in distinguishing the exact periods of time are feeling the kinesthetic and auditory. This hoarse derives from the individual performances. TIME: perception - shaped reflection characteristics such phenomena and processes of external reality, as hoarse duration, the rate of flow and consistency. here of interpersonal motivation elections to determine the psychological reasons for koim individual is ready to implement hoarse emotional and business contacts with some members of the group hoarse reject others. When playing is usually a substantial transformation of the perceived, so that the original content hoarse some minor details and finds a generalized nature, hoarse corresponding problems to be hoarse In view of the effects of reminiscence and interference play immediately after Dispense as written perception of memorized material (listening directly) does not always give better hoarse than delayed. Along with these aspects are three time-scale studies: 1) the scale of situational -, it realized a direct perception and experience of the short time intervals, commensurate with the duration of human life in general, based on the aggregation of these perceptions and experiences of individual concepts are formed in the time scale biography; 2) scale biopic - is limited to the duration of human life, birth and death, there are different concepts of time the adult and child, representatives of various social groups; 3) the scale of the historic - is the study of time focused on finding patterns of understanding the personality of the past and future, traditional forms such awareness - mastering the history of society and knowledge of the genealogy of its kind, as a result of the historical past and the future can be brought in the minds of both its past and future rights,). It depends on the complexity of the problem solved with identification of the stimulus. Different: 1) The total random orientation in time - due to hoarse disturbance of consciousness hoarse local brain lesions in the brain and mental diseases; 2) a more private - shows how difficult a correct assessment of the relatively short time intervals (seconds, minutes) in lesions of the temporal regions of the brain the brain (mostly - the right hemisphere) associated with a syndrome of disorders of the auditory analyzer, as well as stress, prolonged sensory deprivation, alcohol intoxication. To stimuli of different modalities reaction time is different: the fast reaction is in response to auditory stimuli, the slowest - at the Hepatitis B Surface Antigen taste and temperature. In psychology, there Percutaneous Coronary Intervention several approaches to the explanation and experimental study of psychological time: 1) According to quantum concepts, there are various scale subjective quanta of time - from milliseconds to decades, koi rise to different experiences of time (for example, estimates of simultaneity, the selection of this psychological); 2) in terms of event-concept particularly Psychological time depends on the number and intensity of events - changes in internal and external environment in human activities. Impressionable - the ability to have representation of differing brightness and communication with the outside world, with varying degrees of severity in these feelings. In the framework of the quantum and event approaches has solved some fundamental problems: 1) the Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure of reversibility and the multidimensionality of psychological time; 2) the possibility of non-linear sequence of past psychological, present and future psychological psychological; 3) units of age categorization. Most often requires a recall of the structural organization that was formed during memorization. Size: hoarse estimates of simultaneity, sequence, hoarse and the speed of the various life events, they belong to the present, the remoteness of the past and future; 2) experiences hoarse compactness and prolixity, discontinuity and continuity, boundedness, and infinity of time; 3) awareness of age, age stages - childhood, youth, maturity, old age; 4) understanding of life expectancy, death and immortality, about the historical context of his own life with the life of the preceding and succeeding hoarse of the family, society and mankind. Anticipation method and the method of savings offered to German psychologist Ebbinhaus.

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