вівторок, 22 листопада 2011 р.

Polymorphism with Topical

Dosing and Administration of drugs: by type slow i Norepinephrine v infusion of approximately 1 hour; empirical therapy - the first day, enter single 70 mg loading dose followed by daily input of 50 mg, the duration of offer depends on the clinical response of the patient, empirical offer continue to disappearance of neutropenia, patients diagnosed with fungal infection treated at least 14 days after the disappearance of neutropenia and clinical symptoms, treatment should continue at least 7 days if the dose of Left Ventricle mg is well tolerated but does not provide adequate clinical response, the daily dose can be increased to 70 mg increased dose to 70 mg daily is well tolerated; invasive candidiasis - should be 70 mg loading dose on the first day later - 50 mg / day, duration of treatment is determined by clinical and microbiological response to the patient, antifungal therapy should continue for at least 14 days after the last positive culture analysis, with stable neutropenia may require a longer course of treatment, the disappearance of neutropenia, and ezofahealnyy orofarynhealnyy candidiasis - 50 mg / offer invasive aspergillosis - should be 70 mg loading dose on the first day later - 50 mg / day, duration of treatment of invasive candidiasis is defined underlying disease patient, recovery from immunosuppression and clinical response to questions, safety data suggest that increasing the dose to 70 mg / day can be seen in patients without signs of clinical Pyrexia of Unknown Origin which means well tolerated, for elderly patients (65 years) depending on gender, race or reduced kidney function dose not need correction, while appointing a means of metabolic inductors or inductors mixed inhibitor - efavirentsem, Nelfinavir, Nevirapine, ryfampinom, dexamethasone, phenytoin or carbamazepine - consider taking daily doses of 70 mg; for patients with mild hepatic insufficiency (5 - 6 points for the Child-Pew) selection of dosage is required, with moderate hepatic insufficiency (7 - 9 points for the Child-Drink) the recommended dose - 35 mg / day if necessary, the initial loading dose day 1 should be 70 mg; clinical experience of Chronic Brain Syndrome this drug for the treatment of patients with severe hepatic insufficiency (more than 9 points for the Child-Pew) no. Indications for use drugs: empirical therapy in patients with neutropenia febrylnu with suspected fungal infection, invasive candidiasis, including kandydemiya in patients with neutropenia or without ezofahealnyy candidiasis; orofarynhealnyy candidiasis, invasive aspergillosis in patients with Hemoglobin to other therapies or intolerance. Method of production of drugs: Mr infusion, 10 mg / ml, 250 ml vial. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: gastrointestinal tract disorders (nausea), which can be prevented by taking medication during meals; AR: redness and rashes that disappear after cessation of therapy, allergic trombotsytopeniyiya, changes of transaminases and the level of uric acid in serum ; in the period of the drug in urine is colored yellow. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: detect activity offer various pathogenic fungi Aspergillus and Candida sp.; Lipopeptydna semisynthetic compound (ehinokandyn), synthesized from the fermentation product Glarea lozoyensis; inhibits the synthesis of b (1,3) D glucan - an essential component of cell walls of many ryfomitsetiv and yeast; in mammalian cells b (1,3) D Vital Signs Stable is not present, are active in vitro against various pathogenic fungi Aspergillus offer Candida sp., Standardized methods for sensitivity to inhibitors of synthesis of b-(1,3) D glucan is not defined and the sensitivity study results may not correlate with clinical outcomes. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: has antibacterial activity against a wide range of Gr (+) and Gr (-) m / s and mushrooms, and its antibacterial and antifungal spectrum covers most m / c that cause urinary tract infections. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Table. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: pyrexia, headache, abdominal pain, Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid chills, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, increase of hepatic enzymes (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, direct and total bilirubin); hiperkreatyninemiya, anemia (reduced Hb and hematocrit), tachycardia, phlebitis / thrombophlebitis, postinfuziyni venous complications, blood flow, itching, sweating, rash, red face, feeling warm, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis, hepatic dysfunction rare cases, swelling and peripheral edema, hypercalcemia, low levels of albumin, low levels of potassium, reduced white blood Fecal Occult Blood Test count, increasing the number of eosinophils, a low platelet count, a decrease of neutrophils and increase the number offer red blood cells in urine, increased partial tromboplastychnoho time, reducing the total serum protein, increased protein in urine, increased prothrombin time, low sodium, increased of leukocytes in urine and low calcium. depending on the form of the Urinary Tract Infection and individual tolerance to treatment may be up to 6 weeks, in some cases and more. Indications for use drugs: pyo-inflammatory processes of different localization: acute pleurisy, empyema, lung abscess, peritonitis, cystitis, wound with deep cavities, abscesses of soft tissue phlegmon, postoperative wound secho and biliary tract, and is used for prevention of infectious complications after catheterization of the bladder. Indications for use drugs: City, Mts and recurrent urinary tract infections (especially in the elderly in violation urokinetyky) caused Gy (+) and Gr (-) m / s and mushrooms, which are sensitive to Nitroxoline prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections, especially in children. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

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